
Much disturbing rhetoric has been passed around surrounding the potential of world war three between America and Russia, North Korea, and China. The American mass media is acting as if it is inevitable, while right wing conspiracies, which have been around for years, of Communist infiltration and Red Dawn scenarios abound. As a change of pace I won’t refute or dis-refute these ideas.  Nor do I write from a partisan point of view. I do however write from a moralistic perspective with a general belief in God, the afterlife in whatever form, and karma. In particular I look at this situation as a conspiracy, and view it as a part of a mass Hegelian dialectic that appears to be played on the part of the global political establishment. A New World Order, although philosophically centuries old, straight out of the New Atlantis or Johann Fichte’s worship of a Super State as the new GOD.

Most of the arguments are grounded firmly around, economics, rapid increase in technology and science, and particularly scientific dictatorship.  Most particularly the relationship between crony capitalist elitists and scientific technocracy. So without further ado.


In the book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution the famous fringe author Professor Anthony Sutton proves with well researched factual documentation that the industrial and banking elite of the United States funded and backed the Bolshevik Revolution. And in subsequent books such as The Best Enemy Money Can Buy proves that the Soviet Union was backed financially and industrially all the way until the 1980’s. They were even given technology to manufacture weapons that killed our own men during the Vietnam War. Additionally he later gives evidence in his book the Federal Reserve Conspiracy that Karl Marx and Frederich Engels were funded by wealthy European Industrial and Banking influences, and conclusively proves that the Communist Manifesto was entirely plagiarized from the obscure and largely forgotten French socialist Victor Considerant.

A modern equivalent of this is the massive funding Chinese banks and Industry that have been given by American Banks such as Goldman Sachs et al. And of course the treasonous trade deals by the Nixon administration and all the others that followed. A communist country that hates capitalism is directly benefiting from Crony capitalism at it’s best. Why? Oh they argue China has changed, it’s adopted Capitalistic tendencies. But that couldn’t be true in Nixon’s time when Mao Ze Dung was still alive. Or they say it was done to destroy communism and by introducing capitalism the people would realize that the free market is better than communism causing it to collapse from the inside out. This is also not true as even though China has a new corrupt form of capitalism, all corporations in China answer directly to the communist party. This is only a slight deviation of Marx’s seventh plank in his 10 point communist plan. That is factories and the industry must be controlled by the state, a vague difference to china’s system of  communist party control of all industry. China furthermore still censors all media, and Internet access, institutionalizes and medicates any person who disagrees with the government, including anyone protesting decreases in wages, or persons wanting unions. While it remains a world leader in government executions, and continues to be aggressively militaristic with all of it’s non communist neighbors.

Why would American politicians and corporations be so eager to makes deals with this country? The answer is simple to the billionaires of the world, capitalism and communism are both tools to create more money and power, and the agenda is power through science or world technocracy. Communism, itself a scientific dictatorship, creates total monopoly of communists over all industries by regulating who will compete. Communism also embraces banking, a capitalist phenomenon, and one of Marx’s ten planks for a communist society is a centralized banking system. Furthermore America itself already has three of the planks established, that is a central bank, public schooling, and a graduated income tax, while the other planks are quickly becoming more and more fashionable. If the captains of industry helped shaped the federal reserve, income tax, and our compulsory education system then it might seem right to say these titans of industry viewed Marxism as a cash cow, and a tool for the elite ruling class to maintain their monopoly of power.

To be frank this information is irrefutable, so long as you take the time to read Anthony Sutton et al, and to argue the contrary will inevitably lead to rhetorical games and omission of facts. What this leads one to conclude is that both sides are being played by the same puppet master. And whomever this power is whether you call them Crony Capitalist or the Illuminati has an agenda to monopolize both industry and control all governments. When taking this information into consideration such right wing controversies, such as the claim communism never died and soviet union only faked it’s demise, or that the State Department and other government agencies are all filled with Commies, or Left wing allegations of corporate corruption, media control, environmental and human rights violations, monopoly, and Ayn Rand cultism in the republican party, it makes much more sense to see clearly both sides have a grain of truth in them. In other words they are both being played off against each other by the same people. Communism and Capitalism are not in fact opposites, although this perception is necessary to carry out the elite Hegelian Dialectic. Thesis, Antithesis and synthesis, or in easier terms Problem, Action, Solution. Both Capitalism and Communism are then fused to create a synthesis the New World Order, or more easily understood worldwide scientific dictatorship.


Now, after all this debate, why is it so important that North Korea has the bomb? After all many other countries have the same technology.  For instance Saudi Arabia announced last year that it now had nuclear weapons and there were no sanctions on it. Pakistan fired off its first nuke less than 20 years ago in 1998, and it’s on nuclear war footing with  India. After the Soviet collapse it was alleged that nuclear bombs were given out to the highest bidder on the black market, which was proven to be true by a documentary crew who went to purchase a bomb on the Bulgarian black market some years ago. Or let us not forget the more conspiratorial but equally plausible usage of nukes on Tora Bora in Afghanistan in 2002 when bunker busters were supposedly used on Osama Bin Ladens Taliban fighters. Why did the bodies have such unusual burns, and where did the rest of them go? Did they disintegrate?

Israel has had bombs for years and it likely has used them, at least scaled down several kiloton tactical weapons, based on video evidence in Syria. Not to mention their dangerous proclivity of bombing it’s neighbors nuclear power plants. Remember the bombings of “nuclear” power plants in Iraq and Syria? If they are willing to risk a nuclear disaster then why not scaled down nukes? There appears to even be a video of one going off in Ukraine. As far as I know mushroom clouds happen in conventional detonations, but do not create blinding flashes at night. Arguments that these clouds are under a kiloton also do not hold weight, considering many of them are witnessed miles away with a massive shock wave that  blows out the windows, or nearly knocks out the camera man in some films.

The use of  scaled down nuclear type bombs appear to be in common use, although they will often be disguised and reported as conventional attacks. It appears that Hiroshima’s and Nagasaki’s are to unpopular, but depleted uranium, or enriched uranium, and bombs under 5kt are easy to get away with in todays controlled media saturated atmosphere. Considering here in America only six corporations are in control of the media, and the tight control of the news that gets out is based on what is profitable to these corporations and others invested in them like the arms industry corporations. Then any kind of news that would be highly damaging to the sales of any publicly traded Arms dealer or private military corporation would be naturally suppressed. If you don’t believe it or want to know more then read the book The Media Monopoly by Ben H. Bagdikian.


Now moving on, why is it that the Soviets and present day Russian government think that they can win a nuclear war? Or why is it now argued by the American Pentagon that tactical nuclear war is possible to win, with limited casualties? Is it possible that we have been lied to when we are taught in schools or when we read in books or newspapers that nuclear war is Mutually Assured Destruction? Perhaps it is, and John Von Neumann was right after all. This still doesn’t stop MAD doctrine from being viewed as mere toilet paper by the militaries of the worlds two largest nuclear powers America and Russia.

As I have stated before nuclear bombs probably have been used in conventional warfare for some time. Even mini-nuke weapons allegedly used in Fallujah are not out of bounds. In all these horrible instances not one bomb has been dropped on a superpower with nuclear capability. Why? Maybe it is MAD, but maybe it’s something else. As I have stated previously both sides are being played. Russia, China, and communism all have been funded and supported by the financial powers that be, many of them American. North Korea is direct beneficiary of that because we are financing China politically and economically, we have indirectly created the problem of North Korea. If we had not funded China, the North and South would have merged a long time ago.  Thus our trade deals with China have financed nuclear bombs aimed back at us. But what are the billionaires that control the American government getting out of this?

If you examine all the wars since World War 2, there has been a strategic reorientation of the way we fight wars. That is superpowers do not fight each other.  Unfortunately this is not because of MAD, but for economic and technological reasons.  On the financial side of things total war destroys economies, and in particular collapses insurance industries. Because of the second world war all the countries directly effected by the fighting have had to rebuild from nothing, literally. This led to the expansion of welfare socialism in countries like Japan, England, Italy, and Germany all extremely effected by the war. That is insurance companies, retirement and health care were all nationalized. The free market models could not support these industries after the second world war, because private insurance corporations who are for profit collapsed entirely during the bombing campaigns. In Japan before the war as well as in England it was nearly mandatory for it’s citizens to buy insurance. With the collapse of the insurance industry after the war insurance nationalization was the natural option, since the insurance industry was bankrupt and unable to pay out, and culturally insurance played such a great role already. Clearly the world wars have been instrumental in creating a socialized world.

Secondly first world countries particularly super powers, who have socialist governments are also completely industrialized, and are unwilling to risk total war and fear loss of industry. This is due to the political agenda which pushes for scientific dictatorship and automation of technology. Total war is unacceptable because it risks the destruction and retro-gradation of industrial automated processes. For instance when the Soviet Union collapsed it was a nearly competing with the American IT industry. But due the anarchy of the government collapse all soviet computer technology was lost, due to the strip mining of industrial facilities. Total war does this and more, leaving the country virtually back in the stone age, and unless outside capital and loans are given to the the country involved it may risk remaining in the exact state it was after the bombs were first dropped. To make this concrete just look at the history of most African countries, most particularly Libya, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Liberia. All were countries with modern industry and modern societies just like America, England, China or Russia today. However after the wars 2011, 1998 and 1990 respectively virtually no rebuilding has been done, nor have loans of any substance from the western countries been forthcoming.

Liberians In Refugee Camps Wait For International Help

Because of this the so called third world nations, and non superpower entities have strategically become the stage for warfare.  The first world and particularly the western states have continued to fight war, only through proxies in other countries. In a perpetual way. This in effect builds up the military industrial complex in these countries without endangering the war industry at all. The military technology then gained through the perpetual state of war fuels the automation process, as war has been proven to increase technology. For example everything from the Internet, cell phones, ipods, drones and numerous other public sector technologies can be traced back  to the DOD, DARPA and CERN. In other words without these perpetual wars, the progressive socialization of the first world as well automated technologies would be much less controllable, and control is the aim of the game.

Scientific dictatorship as in the New Atlantis  appears to be the goal, a scientific utopia.  And what did Francis Bacon wish to achieve in the his New Atlantis? The Control of the entire universe,  control of the weather, the aging process, the state, the economy, education, and everything under the sun. This ideal has been steadily been gaining momentum for 400 years, and is all to evident in the state of our academic and scientific institutions. Social Darwinism, Eugenics, and Trans humanism all strive for a future where illness and aging are conquered, where automation is able provide for all of our needs. But where politics are in play machaivellism is always the easiest solution. Communism was the first attempt at this scientific utopia, and  just look at the massive death toll. Sacrifices must be made comrade, for the greater good, what is 10 million lives if it save 1 billion. And what is 7 billion lives if a select few can gain immortality, or become gods and more likely rulers of the world themselves?


Now where does this leave us with the North Korea situation? To tell you the truth I don’t know. But I do know this, the elite ruling technocrats will be willing to sacrifice millions of lives to gain their objective, and of course it has happened before. But does this mean there will be a war? Fear of a cold war may be just as easy for their objectives, total war is not desirable particularly for America who has not been physically invaded or seriously attacked since the war of 1812.  And physical invasion will not happen unless the superpowers China and Russia get involved.  Bombing could happen but it would be undesirable for industry if directly attacked,  it would instead concentrate on heavily populated areas. A perfect example this would be is how the allies avoided bombing I.G. Farben factories during world war two, the very factories that were fueling the German War machine.

Furthermore if there is a war, it is doubtful an EMP is going to be used, as that would destroy all automated technology in America. This is if you assume the technocratic elite want America around in the future. This is why  Russia or North Korea, which I have reason to believe is a Chinese proxy state, would attack only military and heavily populated areas as opposed to industrial areas that may be strategic for the globalized economy.

The most troubling aspect of this situation is that China has already surpassed America economically and industrially. Which has been done apparently on purpose, through vast expenditure of American capital on China while at the same time becoming a virtual debtor state to China itself. And in a world system where technology is valued more than lives, will  the de-industrialized America losing be less a loss than China being bombed to the stone age?

This type of situation appears ideal for the Rockefeller plan America 2050, and various other plans from the United Nations which probably are well known to the conspiracy crowd. American 2050 specifically calls for American metropolises be centrally planned and coordinated into  eleven mega regions or mega cities. In the situation of nuclear attacks on American soil, or possible total economic collapse through debt load, or both, the government could relocate millions of surviving refugees where ever they want thus achieving this centrally planned mega city model for America.


The most likely scenario for the united states if we enter a war with North Korea will be a long drawn out war, as the entire country is covered in underground tunnels and bunkers. It will also be highly expensive. This is all that China or Russia really need, for American debt is already teetering on becoming unsustainable. While at the same time a dollar collapse would end the dollar as a world reserve currency. An economic collapse in America during such a war, would likely end the American empire for good. Like the Ottoman Empire or Russia during world war one, or the collapse of the English empire after world war two. In a situation like this America could be reorganized through a martial law type dictatorship. All financial transactions on the stock markets would be suspended, along with a permanent bank holiday for the masses, instead relying on a monetary credit system, issued periodically.

A bankrupt America is a distinct possibility, just as earlier this year Puerto Rico declared bankruptcy, and the state of Illinois has been declared to have junk bond status. Which means that state literally cannot get commercial bank loans, and is now depending directly on federal money for any programs it needs to get enacted. The collapse of the entire economy and bankruptcy would wipe out most public debt, but probably not foreign debt which would be payed off for the next century. Effectively ending the American consumer society and massive dependence on credit. While at the same time banking austerity will likely lead to a much poorer and more totalitarian America.

If there is a nuclear exchange or even an invasion of say Hawaii or a bombing campaign on the mainland the government would undoubtedly declare Continuity of Government. Which is designed for the continuation of the government through martial law after a nuclear exchange. This law was also altered in the 1980’s by Dick Cheney and cohorts to be enacted during other less serious disasters. As was seen after 9/11/2001, Continuity of Government was signed every week by presidents Bush and Obama all the way until 2011. All the while American civil liberties disappeared, and draconian laws were passed and enforced. While central planning became much more acceptable under programs like the HUD cabinets implementation of planned housing, the Smart Grid Agenda, or Obama Care. Acts such as the, Patriot act, the Food Safety Act, and the National Defense Authorization Act, increased the spy grid, banned gardening and off grid homes for future enactment, and did away with due process and allowed indefinite detention without a trail to name only a few out of dozens passed. With the right disaster America 2050 could be enacted quite easily, even if you don’t consider the conspiratorial assertions that America is networked with a series of underground bases and tunnels, which would vastly increase the ability of the government to transfer millions of people to these mega regions in case of such an emergency.

The megacities themselves, and even worse, are designed specifically for getting rid of autonomy. Thus laws leading to the ban on cars that run on gasoline. The American model would probably follow the European Union with a further ban of all automobiles, gasoline or not, in the cities. Which would be an effective ban on all automobiles in America as all people, other than the rich oligarchies, will be confined to the mega cities. Without the automobile Americans will be much more dependent on the government and mass transportation. And unable to escape easily when or if they wished to leave the mega city regions. All areas outside these cities would be declared wilderness and off limits. The beginning of this can already be seen with California’s new gas tax, which makes it extremely expensive to even own a car. As well as the building of overly large bike lanes in crowded grid locked city areas leading to almost intolerable traffic problems in cities such as Los Angeles.


I do not offer a time line on a war with North Korea, China, or Russia, but the possibility seems quite clear these days, and if there is to be such an event mark my words it’s because someone wants it to happen. Wars are always fought over economic matters of control. The basis of capitalism in the west has created the ability for states to prop themselves up with debt by issuing bonds, and since the Renaissance this has led to an increase in war worldwide. Before States would collapse like the former Soviet Union under the pressure of these debts, and particularly war, but today modern super states and a globalized system of finances props up an interdependent systems of ever increasing ability of going into debt without collapse, and even collapse under debt is usually only partial. It is certainly a powerful thing, but too much debt is unsustainable and America is likely to pay the price for the greed of capital debt. The system of perpetual war and the use of mercenaries to fight unpopular wars can only last as long as faith in the American dollar and economy exists, once this is gone nothing can save America from it’s own foolishness. It is certain that individuals and organizations with goals of world government have and will take advantage of this.

The central conclusion driving this hypothesis of mine was arrived at through studying the origins of Renaissance capitalism in Florence and Venice. Concluding that capital economics today promotes war, and almost certainly is based on war. For instance Florence the heart of the Renaissance was once upon time a warring city state in 13th and 14th century Italy relying on hired mercenary forces to fight it’s wars. The spoils of war however were not enough to keep this perpetual warring from drying up the gold reserves of the city state. So in order to finance their wars both Venice and Florence started asking for loans from the cities wealthier residents, with the promise of paying back with interest all that had been loaned. Thus inventing the the worlds first bond market, or government IOU’s. This system proved successful for the city of Florence, but did not keep Venice from becoming too indebted and eventually collapsing. Florence the home of the Medici banking family dynasty was successful because the Medici family successfully made loans not only to the city, but the Vatican itself, in an era when usury was forbidden. Eventually this family gained control of the Vatican electing several Medici popes. The first of which was pope Leo X who made charging interest legal by redefining usury as interest charged at unreasonably high interest rates as opposed to no interest what so ever. This in combination with the formation of the first bond markets paved the way for modern capitalism.


The bond market gradually became more advanced in certain European countries resulting in the expansion of city states to modern states propped up by debt. And as the ancient Athenians discovered, by charging interest on loans, they were creating imaginary capital that did not exist before the loan was taken out in concrete gold and silver coins. This imaginary capital however had all the power of real money. Effectively  creating money out of nothing. All the while the concrete money issued by the government stayed the same.  Before long all over Europe banking dynasties were rising up and giving loans in money that they had created out of nothing to the government. These governments who were always warring amongst themselves gradually became bigger as the winners who won the wars acquired more land and resources. While the losers who did not adapt a bond system of were sacked by total war disappeared. These bonds were then traded in bond markets much like the stock market. This system of bonds was later applied to state sanctioned corporations like the East India companies of England and Holland, or the American Hudson Bay Company. These companies in turn exploited the Asians, Native Americans, and other competitors by warring and plunder, effectively becoming miniature fictionalized states themselves. When the joint-stock system of shares of the corporation was created, modern capitalism effectively came to fruition. As well as the trading of these stocks in stock markets.

The system of corporate competition is much the same as wars between states themselves. And in combination with the new idea of organized science, via Francis Bacon, effectively create the Industrial system we know today and the ever increasing force of automation. Science became a tool not only for discovery of natures laws, but a tool for corporations and the state itself to organize itself in an ideal manner. In effect controlling science in way only beneficial to those in power. This of course maximized profits for the corporations shareholders, and maximized the power and control of governments over it’s people.

This would be the reason why corrupt corporations who operated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in such as Standard Oil and the Carnegie Corporation supported communism. Standard oil for instance was scientifically controlled from the very top, in which the joint stock corporation operated by buying out competitors and incorporating them into a massive cartel. This was in effect a declaration of war against all competitors. While the losers were bought out,  only keeping their original name for strategic purposes. In order to fight and win this war Standard Oil organized a system of railroad rebates, while competitors got nothing. They also used espionage and secret codes to communicate messages between corporations that had been bought out, keeping secrets as to who had actually been incorporated into Standard Oil. This is not to mention literally paying a force of mercenaries to strong arm and kill union strikers.  Further this system under attack  by legislators organized itself into committees to directly finance shareholder money into a trust system, to protect it’s shareholders. Everything from the very bottom up was controlled by a select few at the top. What then is the difference between this and communism? A centrally planned system which controls all government processes through committees and uses cutthroat oppression to get what it wants, while doing everything it possibly can to protect it’s shareholders or communist party members at the top?  Communism itself is not so much a government as a monopoly corporation, one which uses violence and scientific technology to get what it wants. It’s greatest goal is world government or in other words a single corporation that controls everything in the entire world.


This is the reason Fascism in America and Communist dictatorships appear for all intents and purposes to be the same thing. Fascism which is the merger of corporations and the government and communism are both intermediate stages of a world government. A for profit corporation with monopoly ideals, will band together with other corporations into a cartel which controls the government from the top down. While communism relies on a single party to control everything from the top down. A cartel and a party although separate concepts function very similarly. The final world government however will be a merger of fascism and communism much like the Chinese government today. It is likely this is also why American crony capital corporations have financed China to the point it is now the worlds new super-power.

War is created by competing financial powers, but a world government will lead to the elimination of war.  However this will only be consequential because totalitarian domination, execution, imprisonment and brainwashing will take wars place. In effect it will just be a different kind of war, the war against the individual, against free thought, and against humanity itself.

If you take this into account, what is happening right now with North Korea, and on a quieter front with Russia must be scripted as all wars are fought for economic and technological reasons of control. In this case both sides appear to be enemies, but both support the United Nations as an entity and a dramatic restructuring of America. While the corporations of the western countries support the exact same thing. For instance America 2050 is not only bad for America it is good for communist states like China and North Korea. It is also supported by the biggest corporations in the world. The news surrounding this new cold war is a drama scripted right out of a H.G. Wells science fiction book, much like the Shape of Things to Come.

One lie repeated by the mainstream for instance is that North Korea has no interactions at all with the west.  Then of course why are North Korean diplomats seen routinely at the United Nations which is based in New York City.  Why on the other hand does our new president Trump himself appears to be only continuing what his corrupt predecessors have done particularly in foreign policy. Which includes all the wars, cold wars, and attempts at financial control of oil in the middles east ie to prop up the doomed to fail petro-dollar. The appointment of his newly elected cabinet of multi-millionaires and billionaires clearly show who’s side he’s on, particularly the appointment of skull and bones member and former Goldman Sachs employee Steve Mnuchin to the secretary of treasury. As well as the appointment of former Rothschild banker Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce.

Historically the presidents dealings with the N M Rothschild & Son bank goes back as far back as 1987 when he was bailed out by Ross a then bank employee from bankruptcy. While Skull and Bones members have had numerous presidents and cabinet members in the white house for well over one hundred years, the very same administrations that have slowly betrayed the American Republic. Not to even mention that Goldman Sachs has been instrumental in building up Chinese banking and industry. The very cause of this present day confrontation.  Clearly President Trump represents Anthony Sutton’s description of the collaboration between communism and crony capitalism. Under the auspices of a return of American nationalism. In all likely hood he is just another wolf in sheep’s clothing.  In general nothing has changed, and the return of the cold war atmosphere between Russia and America with the addition of North Korea and China, means that we are entering another era.bush_skull_and_bones

In this era the fear of terrorism alone is likely not sufficient enough to fuel the perpetual wars. This new cold war, like 9/11, will be used to pass even more legislation to undermine American sovereignty. But the underlying reasons for our present day conflict are clear, it is about automation, economics, and globalization for the purposes of scientific control. And war must happen when there is perceived economic gain which competing sides both desire. Perhaps in North Korea the rumblings about trillions of dollars of natural resources will be the tipping point.

In the end however a global world government is the aim, not because it is right but because it can be done, and it has been built from the ground up. It is nearly complete just like the unfinished pyramid on the American dollar bill. When the technocrats get what they want America must face a disaster that will reorganize it completely. Whether it will be a war,  pandemic, natural disasters, or a massive cyber attack it must be catastrophic and chaotic enough to turn America from from a corrupted mostly fascist republic to a scientific dictatorship. It is already happening and all it needs is an utter catastrophe.

Robert S