
Educational Abolitionist



Cold Fusion

Television, Philosophy, and the Control Grid

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of... Continue Reading →

The Central Banking System

Now considering this is mostly an educational blog, you may ask what possibly could central banking have to do with education? You may be even more surprised to note that I consider this equally or even more important than the... Continue Reading →

On Logic, the Trivium Method, and 9/11

  When considering reason and logic in our recorded history, which is rather short, it was the Greek civilization particularly Hellenistic Greece who first conceived that nature could be logically understood and perceived rather than magically or mythologically worshiped. As... Continue Reading →

The Promotion of Mythological and Magical Thinking

The extent of mind control is debatable only by the technologies used, however the most obvious tenants can be seen as everyday occurrences in our culture. Such as the use of  psychological advertisement tactics using subliminal or paraliminal messaging, the... Continue Reading →


Over my lifetime, due to my strange upbringing and the Internet renaissance, I have been exposed to various bits of knowledge that most people would have a hard time believing. Most of this information, might be termed as conspiracy theory... Continue Reading →

NAVY Alchemy

The concept of alchemy or the  transmutation of metals is a foreign concept to many people today. The historical aspects of the subject are beyond my ability to convey accurately, as the complication of the subject. It is interesting to... Continue Reading →

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