
Now considering this is mostly an educational blog, you may ask what possibly could central banking have to do with education? You may be even more surprised to note that I consider this equally or even more important than the education issue. Of course considering the quote by Meyer A. Rothschild above, this logic might just make some sense. And since all of us live in Nations, and money is what is used for everyday occurrences and expenses including education, then it is not that hard to consider that our Prussian education system in America and elsewhere is entirely funded by banks. This does not mean the local bank, although it is a lesser evil, but the fault lies in particular via Rothschild’s influence with the multinational and central banking system. If then the situation was properly analyzed for the width and length of the central banking system, it would appear worldwide as a many headed hydra whose heads are all connected firmly to the body. If there was only one conspiracy in this world then certainly there would be none greater than the banking conspiracy. But that being said if you really don’t believe me, do your own research. But then again research is difficult for most people, if you do so then it would be preferable to look at more than several sources.

Here in America there has been a long fight with the bankers perhaps even since it’s founding, and the root issue has always been who prints the money, the bankers or the government. Many historical events in America seem to parallel and tie into banking reforms of the time. For instance Andrew Jackson suffered a lead bullet to the gut, after vetoing the renewal of the Second Bank of America which coincidentally was a Central Bank. Or Abraham Lincoln’s assassination seemed to have taken place shortly after the National Banking Act of 1863 and 1864 which nationalized the United States Bank allowing in general for the Federal Reserve to be formed fifty years later. So it might be said after a long and bloody struggle, the bankers came into monetary power in America with the passing of the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve in 1913. Coincidently this was a year before the first World War, which for America at least served as a distraction from the 16th Amendment. As well as income tax deductions, for the year of 1913 resulted in the taxation of less than 1% of the population. This of course clearly was allowed by the traitorous Woodrow Wilson and a equally putrid congress who had passed the Amendment a full four years before the enactment of it in 1913. This betrayal of the American people although understandable if observing the past struggles against the banking industry, was unmistakably a well coordinated conspiracy which spanned perhaps for over a century before the actual creation of the Federal Reserve. It equally can be said that the 16th Amendment marked the end of America as a country and the beginning of America ruled by a wicked and greedy banking oligarchy.

In order to understand the actual function of the central banking system, it is necessary to separate the various influences of this system into a few concepts. This can be shown for the most part by three different banking ideas. Fractional reserve banking being the first concept can otherwise be known as the power to create money out of nothing. That is the bank holds only a fraction of the actual money it can loan out, while every time a mortgage or loan is taken out the bank can increase the money they have to loan out. That is if the bank has 1,000 dollars in actual money it can loan out 10 times or more than that or 10,000 dollars, although in actuality it could be much higher than this. Then let us say a man wishes to get a loan from the bank for a 1,000 dollars, the bank can now loan out 10,000 more dollars which is added the 9,000 dollars it has left, increasing it’s fractional reserve to 19,000 while in reality they have almost nothing but a debtor who will pay back his 1,000 dollar loan at interest. All banks today operate via this concept however central banks who loan vast amounts of money to the government are a step above the rest.

The second concept is simple and was mentioned above already. That is Central Banks have the power to print money while charging interest to the very government it is supposed to represent for the use it’s own money. This for most people would seem preposterous and logic defying however this is precisely what is being done. Because of this the government prints bonds or IOU’s of debt of which the Federal Reserve promptly buys up. This particular piece of trivia being indisputable as the Federal Reserve is the largest bond holder of United States bonds in the world.

The final strategy that all Central banks use is strongly related to the second. As the bank must always make sure that the money printed is always less than the amount of bonds. That is the Federal Reserve which is owner of almost all American debt also controls the amount of money the government can get to pay back the Federal Reserve for it’s bonds. This clearly means that it is literally impossible for the Americans to ever pay back the debt to the Federal Reserve as there is more debt than the money available to pay it back.

If you observe this situation clearly, there can only be one purpose for the Central Banking system, and that is debt. Through this process of permanent indebtedness, austerity is paid to the Central bank and derivative banking cartels. As a government is made up of it’s citizens this inevitably leads to greater taxation of the people by the government, not for the people, but simply to pay off interest on the governments own money. This system of austerity for the record in America is known as the Internal Revenue Service, and the taxation of all money paid by employer who acts as agent, although unwittingly, of the IRS.

To explain this it might be appropriate to go back to 1930’s great depression to see this more clearly. As by the year 1933 the entire government was rendered completely insolvent by the incessant debt gathered during the 20 years after the Federal Reserves founding. This was officially known as the March 9, 1933 Emergency Banking Act declared By Franklin D Roosevelt. Although the history is not very clear it appears this is the first time birth certificates began to be sent to Department of Commerce. This in all certainty is were the Federal Reserve banking system completely took over the United States. The government which was now completely dissolved remained only as an artifact and the birth certificates now by devious design are regulated by UCC or Uniform Commercial Code. In all certainty the best explanation for this is that the citizens themselves now have become property of the bank, and given to the bankers as an austerity measure for the U.S. Bankruptcy. The citizens are now nothing more than inventory on a bankers long equity list. This being so the claims that people are traded like livestock on the stock and bond market is not so outrageous, after all we are simply bank inventory.

Furthermore all employers require birth certificates or similar identification which makes it nearly impossible to escape the taxation. Although there is no statute for the IRS’s legitimacy other than the 16th amendment, as animal stock you will be punished for not paying. A fundamental premise of the so called Freeman movement is to become free yourself from this taxation by reclaiming your birth certificate via a UCC-1 document from the Department of Commerce. This may or may not be a smart move and in all certainty needs more research than just reading this article. I do not believe this premise is wrong, only instead lawlessness is already in control of this country making it a dangerous prospect when the criminals are the ones who are your ruling class.

It should be elaborated as well that central banking is a worldwide phenomenon, even so called enemies of the United States, Russia, China, the so called new BRICS coalition countries are all ruled by central banks, and the men and women behind them. Each of which follow the basic tenants of the American Federal Reserve such as charging interest for printing the money that was already the most basic right of the country to begin with. Many of these countries have not reached a stage of total government dissolution through indebtedness, like America, but most have or are well on their way towards being total puppets to this banking system. And that is not to mention the so called International banks, like the IMF the World Bank, and the new BRICS bank in which the former have routinely been known to give out large sums of money to indebted countries only to charge vast sums of interest causing that country to be in some cases almost permanently in debt to these institutions. Entire countries have had their governments replaced for this very purpose, Iraq, Libya, Panama, Egypt, and Iran all being examples of countries which have had their government replaced, sometimes multiple times. From this little amount of information it might be wise to view the so called ending of the dollar supremacy over the world as simply a parasitic jump from one host to the other ensuring the banking elites domination over the world and the rise of another so called empire which will answer the beck and call of the bankers and bank owners.

Now the mechanics of this feat is not of extreme interest here in this article, and some of this has already been provided while the rest will be provided in links below. If this is the case, and you believe the premise I have accepted then every dollar you use is helping to drown your children and grandchildren in debt, and you yourself have been charged as collateral to the bank. Your work productivity is taxed by the bank through the IRS as an austerity bank collection agency, and your government is simply a simulacrum of it’s former self, in which every political move is already planned by the bankers. You do not live in a democracy and surely you do not live in a republic. And here is the issue, if you wish to educate your children or yourself in a system that is completely controlled then you might have to answer some simple questions. Such as who writes your child’s text books, and why indeed is schooling compulsory? Why is it that each year you are taxed more and more for so called education costs, when it seems each proceeding generation seems more and more simple minded. Why indeed are you not taught this information in any modicum in school, and why are you never taught at all about the monetary system? It would seem you aren’t even taught how to start your own business.

In the end schooling is all about the business of creating a passive serf and consumer public to fuel the banking aristocracy. It would be wrong to have this system without the banking system, but at least we would know who really rules America. In this case what we see here is not only economic but psychic tyranny over a people who never even suspected that their leaders would sell them down to the river to a pack of hungry wolves in sheep’s clothing. Until the economic system as we know it is reorganized into a more just and beneficial system for the peoples of this planet, education will continue to be used to misinform as apposed to it’s true intent to enlighten and liberate.

The last article being about what schools teach children lends credence to this concept of our educational slavery. The solutions to our education problems although not obvious as sending your child to school everyday, are available. However until the parasitic system of central banking is destroyed it is unlikely that a major educational movement will be able to emerge. So long as the money is controlled by unsavory characters who wish nothing more than to control and subjugate people, and to keep the secret of their monetary control, no change will appear. This privileged class of banking owners must be living in opulence and perhaps delusions of immortality at the expense of the suffering and liberty of the entire worlds population. The continued control of our education system along with the entertainment and media programming, will only result in the further degradation of humanity.

The psychology of men who wish for the domination of other humans must in all certainty be extremely materialistic as well as atheistic and nihilistic. These sort of people have no belief in god, life after death, or karma. Thus there are no consequences for their actions, so they do not have a form of ethics easily recognizable to most ordinary human beings. For people who believe this it is determined that there are no consequences for their actions. Also due to this belief of there being no consequences to ones actions one believes that there are no consequences for others actions. This of course leads to a state of heightened paranoia and fear of ones own death, thus resulting in a search for physical immortality. Further when observing normal people who believe in a soul or existence greater than the body, they most likely will develop a feeling of superiority over these people. This probably is due to the limitations these people put on themselves. It is probable in my reckoning this is exactly what drove the bankers and their owners to conspire for world banking domination for centuries in America and elsewhere. However in the end this is nothing more than a Kierkegaardian either/or philosophical construct, for both ideas of existence are valid. We either continue after death or we don’t. However the fact that the former offers consequences to living and a valid form of ethics makes it a whole lot more appealing and less destructive towards others in general. In the end if we are to truly educate ourselves and live in a better world we must either forcefully remove these banking elite from power, or change their minds about their own conduct. Both could be valid paths as well, however only god knows how this can be accomplished. I would suggest however if you want to change the world start by changing yourself.


Robert S.









